Let's kick off a relaxing 2020 with the snooze-inducing wonders of Aristotelian philosophy. To be fair, we never actually finish the ponderous introduction and learn about The Ethics, but I doubt you'll mind.
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Read "The Ethics of Aristotle" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8438
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Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website (www.boringbookspod.com), or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!