Alison, Liz, and Rebecca take a deep dive into Texas for a case study in theocratic government. They discuss recent Christian nationalist legislation advancing in the state, the takeover of state institutions by conservative Christian legal groups, and the many state/church battles their organizations have fought in Texas.
Texas Monthly - “How a Right-wing Law Firm Shaped the Judge Who Will Rule on the Abortion Pill”
The Washington Post - “Texas legislature passes bill allowing chaplains in public schools”
Religion News Service - “More than 100 chaplains urge Texans not to hire school chaplains”
FFRF, Americans United, and the ACLU/ACLU of Texas letter to Texas school districts
Texas Tribune - “Key supporter of Texas school chaplain bill has pushed for evangelism in schools”
Bills Discussed
HB 4949/SB 1396 and SB 19: Would allow a period of prayer and reading of the Bible or other religious text in public schools
SB 17: Would have created the right for a public school employee to engage in religious speech or prayer while on duty
SB 1515: Would require the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools
SB 763: Would allow school districts to employ chaplains to perform the duties of school counselors
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