Episode description
Join us for another updated episode today! This episode is an update - with better audio quality and additional information - on our popular marathon pacing episode.
Discussion points include:
- Understanding different pacing strategies
- How does weather impact your marathon pacing
- Should you use heart rate to set your race day strategy?
- How to pace a marathon on hilly courses, downhill courses, etc.
- How to use your fueling strategy to support your pacing strategy
- When should you start pushing hard in a marathon?
- How to set a marathon goal pace
- How do you stay on pace when you start to fatigue?
Dew point chart: https://www.runtothefinish.com/11-hot-weather-running-tips/
Sample marathon pace workouts: https://lauranorrisrunning.com/marathon-pace-chart/
- PMID: 22649525
- PMID: 24747298
- PMID: 33829868