Are you traveling for a marathon (or other distance) soon, either domestically or internationally? Then this episode is for you! We have tips on how to make your destination race - and all the travel logistics around it - the smoothest and most enjoyable experience possible.
Discussion points:
Managing your hydration while traveling for a race
How to sleep on an airplane
How to deal with jet lag around your race
Should you do a shakeout run after arriving at your destination?
Nutritional considerations for destination/international races
How to manage car travel before a goal race
This episode is sponsored by Boulderthon! Use code RUNTOTHEFINISH for $20 off the half or full marathon at Boulder’s premier road race on Sept 29, 2024. Register at
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Episode 39: Running at High Altitude
Episode 67: Is the Boston Marathon Overhyped?
Episode 69: How to Adjust Your Race
PMID: 33208347