We love hearing from our fans!
We have come a long way in our production quality since we started. We did our best to REMASTER some “oldies but goodies” and ensure the production offers a better listening experience. Not perfect, but much better. Hope you enjoy!
In this episode, we dive into the fascinating and tumultuous tale of Jean Lafitte, the infamous pirate who once ruled Galveston Island, and his dramatic interactions with the indigenous Karankawa people. Set against the backdrop of early 19th-century Texas, we explore Lafitte’s rise as a privateer, his lawless empire on the Gulf Coast, and the clash of cultures and survival that shaped Galveston’s history.
How did Lafitte’s ambitions intertwine with the Karankawa, a resilient and often misunderstood coastal tribe? Were they allies, adversaries, or something in between? Through compelling storytelling and historical analysis, we uncover the truths and legends behind their complex relationship.
Join us as we unravel this chapter of Texas history, filled with intrigue, betrayal, and the enduring legacy of those who walked Galveston’s shores long before it became the city we know today. Perfect for history buffs and curious minds alike!