It is always fascinating to hear an artist's tale. This one is no different. Our guest, Kevin Barron, is one of the world’s leading and prolific LSD blotter artists. His story is full of twists and turns, from working with the Rolling Stones to opening a cooking school in Greece, a federal sting operation, and the art he has created along the way.
Kevin Barron experienced psychedelics for the first time at 17, and his perception of the world was changed forever. "As a budding artist, the whole experience was just this opening of perception. [He] was starting to look at things for the first time."
While his initial careers were not in fine arts, he eventually found his way back to it. Through his journey Kevin worked for Island Records, basically discovered Cat Stevens, dabbled in the wine industry, and opened a cooking school in Greece; but it was in the late 80s when he found himself in San Francisco and returning to his artisan roots.
Kevin was introduced to "Blotter Art", and immediately knew this was what he wanted to do. His first design known as the Holy Grail was met with huge success. Kevin then embarked on a widely successful, albeit tempestuous, career making LSD blotter art which ended in an arrest and lifetime ban from the U.S.A.
Now Kevin is back creating new art and selling them as NFTs but in a new, revolutionary, way. Intrigued? Hear all about it in this week's new episode.