In this eye-opening conversation with legendary science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson, we explore practical paths to meaningful change in an age of crisis. From local climate action groups to worker-owned cooperatives, Robinson reveals how working alternatives to capitalism are hiding in plain sight.
00:00 Capitalism vs. Feudalism: A Comparison
00:41 Introduction to Mind, Body, Health, and Politics
01:35 Kim Stanley Robinson on Climate Change and Local Action
04:29 Capitalism, Climate, and Utopia: Interconnected Themes
11:27 Historical Perspectives: Genghis Khan and Social Systems
14:56 Marxism and Its Challenges
19:18 Examples of Alternative Systems
23:48 The Role of Democracy and Progressive Taxation
28:02 Literacy and Communication in Modern Society
30:19 The Influence of Right-Wing Talk Radio
32:06 The Power of Oral Tradition and Social Media
34:44 The Art of Compression in Communication
36:08 The Value of Long-Form Novels
38:45 Local Government and Community Involvement
40:01 The Village Homes Experiment
47:13 Reflections on the Current Political ClimateLinks & Resources
A Sci-Fi Writer Returns to Earth: ‘The Real Story Is the One Facing Us’ NY Times
Village Homes Cooperative, Davis, CA
Cool Davis Climate Action Group
Mondragon Cooperative Corporation
Kerala's Panchayat System of Local Governance
Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson