"The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune." – Amelia Earhart
Though she isn't a professional therapist, Maggie McNeill's decades of studying human sexuality from very close up has given her a remarkable degree of insight into sexuality, relationships, and many other related topics; people have therefore long sought out her advice on such topics.
Maggie McNeill was a librarian in suburban New Orleans, but after divorce economic necessity spurred her to take up sex work; from 1997 to 2006 she worked first as a stripper, then as a call girl and madam. She eventually married her favorite client, retired, and moved to a ranch in the rural Upper South. There she writes a daily blog called “The Honest Courtesan” which examines the realities, myths, history, lore, science, philosophy, art, and every other aspect of prostitution; she also reports sex work news, critiques the way her profession is treated in the media and by governments, and is frequently consulted by academics and journalists as an expert on the subject.
"The Honest Courtesan" is quite possibly the largest single-author blog on the internet, containing over 3500 essays written over the past decade. You can find her book "Ask Maggie" and its subsequent volumes on amazon, and please be sure to follow her on twitter.