Starting a new relationship, ending a relationship, negotiating within a partnership for the first time, practicing differentiation, having kids - all of these changes can be positive, exciting, and beneficial, but they can also bring up stress.
Making sense of all those conflicting emotions can be challenging. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed by your relationship(s), that is SO OK!! And, this is the episode for you! We talk about a ton of powerful tools you can use to stay grounded while navigating relationship changes and growth.
Embracing your agency in the face of change is a huge part of the individuation work we talk so much about. Listen to learn more!
Playing With Fire has been featured as one of the top 5 best non-monogamy podcasts!
Get the support you NEED to have the open relationship you WANT in my year-long group program, The Year Of Opening. Go here now >>>
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