Relationship “work” doesn’t have to feel like work! With some re-framing and a playful attitude, the work can feel a lot more like play!
What does it mean to ‘do the work’ in your relationship? This phrase gets tossed around all the time, but in this episode we’re digging into what relationship work can actually look like for you.
There are a few key ingredients for doing the work that, when missing, can leave you feeling lost in the process: effort, attitude, and structure.
We discuss how to determine where to direct your efforts and the importance of collaborating to clarify a purpose in your relationship. We also talk about specific tools you can use to give this process a structure that will help you stay connected and on track towards your growth goals.
Get the support you NEED to have the open relationship you WANT in my year-long group program, The Year Of Opening. Go here now >>>
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