On this episode of The Prepping Academy, Patrick picks up with a Grid Down Comms Up episode. We begin with a look at the battle rhythm in the first seventy-two hours of the disaster and what that looked like for the people on the outside, who were providing communications support and processing information for those with limited access to reliable information. Next, we look at the fog of war, how that impacted operations from day zero, and how it impacted those in the disaster area, followed by a look at the communications picture inside eastern TN and western NC. We wrap up with a what-if discussion about how the picture would have looked very different and been much more complex had the Mt Michell amateur radio repeater not been in the picture. This episode illustrates Patick's quote, "Without communication, you are just another person wondering what just happened." Remember, when the grid goes down, you are on your own, and what you don't know can kill you.
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