0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:04:30My Mum Talks To Aliens - Or Does She?
A review of a TV documentary from 2010. Mary Rodwell travels Australia seeking out those who claim to be abducted by UFOs. Can she convince her son during the course of the two week adventure? What, if any, real evidence does the documentary provide?
Milbourne Christopher (1914 - 1984) regarded those individuals who claimed extrasensory perception or psychic powers to be actually using magic trickery. He wrote three book-length exposes regarding those he said were false seers or psychics: ESP, Seers & Psychics; Mediums, Mystics & The Occult; and Search For The Soul.
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Anti-Vacation in tne 1950s.
1952.03.14 - The Barrier Miner 1954.10.25 - Daily Mercury in Queensland 1955.05.26 - The Central Queensland Herald 1958.10.03 - The Australian Jewish Times