0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 00:02:58Kate & Allie
This week Kat and Adrienne take a skeptical look at 'Baby Helmets'. Are they truly necessary or just another example of our culture's obsession with over-protection? What is the medical point of view? Baby helmets, also known as cranial orthoses, are seen by some as intervention for infants with positional plagiocephaly (flat spots on the head) or brachycephaly (narrow, elongated head shape). 0:12:20Bend Nerd Night
Energy Trivia. Join Brian Dunning from the Skeptoid podcast as he leads a round of trivia at 'Nerd Night' in Bend, Oregon. Test your knowledge!
Guest reporter Rob Palmer attended the inaugural Triangle SkeptiCamp that took place on 25th of May 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
In part #1 of a series of interviews from the event, Rob chats to Coleman Watts, the host of the 'Think This Through' YouTube channel. He also catches up with Erika Engelhaupt, science journalist and author of 'Gory Details'.