0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders with Adrienne Hill and Kat McLeod 0:02:20Kate & Allie at We Can Reason - Calgary Canada
We are delighted to accounce that 'Kate', Kat McLeod from Edmonton, is our newest reporter on the Skeptic Zone. Hear her reaction as Richard Saunders confirms her appoitment. Weclome Kat! Her segment will be know as "For Cryin' Out! It's Kat McLeod".
Also we hear more about the convention, Adrienne's video presentation from LA Skepticamp, and a short interview with speaker Jonathan Jarry.
This week Tim heads to the regional city of Armidale in Australia's 'New England' area to help launch a new Skeptics in the Pub. We hear from the organiser, Walkely Award winning journalist Amelia Willmer.
Armidate Skeptics in the Pub is held at the Wicklow Hotel, 6pm last Wednesday of the month. https://www.facebook.com/WicklowHotel0:22:38You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill.
This week Adrienne tries her luck with AI as it writes two scripts for her. One in 'her' style, and one in the style of a skeptic from Newfoundland! What could possible go wrong? 0:28:28A Dive into a Trove
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Uri Geller.