While the taps are running dry and reservoirs are disappearing in Arizona, a corporate farm from Saudi Arabia is pumping massive amounts of groundwater to grow alfalfa for cows back in the Middle East. Now, after years of inaction, Arizonans are pointing the finger at what they see as a foreign invader slurping up the last gulps of a diminishing water supply.
But the truth is more complicated.
In this episode, we dig deep into the history of Arizona’s water crisis and uncover a tale of dates, camels and dairy cows, and try to find out who’s really to blame for the West’s water crisis.
Featuring: Natalie Koch.
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Read Arid Empire: The Entangled Fates of Arizona and Arabia, by Natalie Koch.
Listen to the six-part podcast series Thirst Gap: Learning to live with less on the Colorado River, by KUNC.
Listen to Parched, a podcast about people who rely on the river that shaped the West, and have ideas to save it, by Colorado Public Radio.
Host: Nate Hegyi
Produced by Felix Poon and Nate Hegyi
Mixed by Felix Poon
Edited by Taylor Quimby
Rebecca Lavoie is our Executive Producer
Music for this episode by Blue Dot Sessions.
Our theme music is by Breakmaster Cylinder.
Outside/In is a production of New Hampshire Public Radio.