Shirtless influencers on TikTok and Instagram have acquired millions of followers promoting the carnivore diet. They say studies linking meat consumption and heart disease are flawed — and plant foods are making people sick. "Western medicine is lying to you," says content-creator Dr. Paul Saladino, who co-owns a company selling desiccated cattle organs.
The online popularity of the carnivore diet is undeniable. Yet, no controlled studies have been published confirming its advertised benefits.
Our friends at WBUR’s podcast Endless Thread look at how social media cooked up the anti-establishment wellness trend.
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Outside/In Host: Nate Hegyi
Outside/In Executive producer: Taylor Quimby
Rebecca Lavoie is NHPR’s Director of On-Demand Audio
This episode of Endless Thread was written and produced by Dean Russell and Ben Brock Johnson.
Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski.
Outside/In is a production of New Hampshire Public Radio
Endless Thread is a production of WBUR in Boston.
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