We are joined by Mark, aka 1DullGeek, to debrief the alternator loss on an instrument approach while returning from Osh Kosh. We discuss how the near-emergency was handled, how flying with a second pilot worked, and how Instrument training can only prepare you for so much.
Mentioned on the show:
* Flying Midwest Podcast - Information Foxtrot with Ben and Ted plus OB's AG and RH: https://lnns.co/Eno4ag0P8fG
* Opposing Bases - live at Airventure: https://opposingbases.libsyn.com/ob342-live-from-eaa-airventure-oshkosh-2024
* Ask the A&Ps: https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/podcasts/podcasts/ask-the-a-and-ps
* IFR with only an ipad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMxsdEeEzFM
* OWB Owensboro Kentucky: https://www.airnav.com/airport/OWB
* Spotted Cow beer: https://newglarusbrewing.com/pages/year-round-beers
* PTAC (PDF): https://www.aopa.org/-/media/Files/AOPA/Home/Training-and-Safety/Air-Safety/ASI-BeyondPro-IFR_StableApproach_SampleProfile.pdf
* Seth Lake - DPE: https://vsl.aero/dpe.html