We are joined by Erica Gilbert (Gilbert Aviation, Aerosafe), and her 9 year old son to talk about the things you need to think about when flying with children, the joy of making special memories with them while they are young.
Patreon members also chime in with their tips, tricks, and questions.
* Gilbert Aviation: https://www.gilbertaviation.com/
* Aerosafe on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@AeroSafe/videos
* FAA's SAFETY passenger briefing (PDF): https://www.faasafety.gov/files/gslac/library/documents/2015/May/102764/05-18-15%20Passenger%20Safety%20Briefing%20JulAug2014.pdf
* Eustachian tubes and valsalva maneuver: https://www.boldmethod.com/learn-to-fly/aeromedical-factors/in-flight-ear-block-sinuses-eustachain-tube/
* Earplanes: https://www.earplanes.com/