Rest. It’s such a beautiful word! One of my favourites actually. The word brings warmth, breath and joy to my heart. I mean, who doesn’t love rest?! Usually when we think of rest we think of sleeping, time out, holidays and a binge session on Netflix. But, in this episode, I want to talk to you about a new type of rest that doesn’t come immediately to your mind. What I want to share with you is a ‘rhythm’ of rest -- of soulful rest, that can transform your life. This is not a sleep, it’s not a holiday (although all of those things are very healthy and very important) it's a rest for your heart. A time to reinvigorate your heart, soul & mind.
In this episode I will share with you:
I talk about a few Biblical concepts in the episode that you might be interested in delving into deeper. In this episode, I look at the concept of the ‘Sabbath’. If you’re interested in learning more about this, I’ve put together a free guide where you can have a look at some passages in the Bible yourself and see what you think. Interested? Here is the link.
Links mentioned in this episode:
> Nancy Ray on monthly rest. Nancy talks about a monthly rest, but also a daily, weekly, yearly rest too. Nancy is a kindred spirit. I was inspired by this episode, which made me reflect on my own life and the way I incorporate rest. You can listen to her episode called “Rule of Life” if you’re interested in more content on this topic.
> FREE GUIDE - “Biblical Business - The Rhythm of Rest”. If you’re interested in going deeper into what the Bible says about the Sabbath or you’re interested in learning about why I do the Sabbath the way I do, download the freebie and take a look for yourself about what the Bible says.
> My facebook group “Make It - The Creative Business Podcast”. I hope to have more actual conversations with listeners on the page, so if you’re wanting to chat, that’s the place to be.