Ellen and Dan talk with Sue Cross, the veteran journalist who will step down as executive director and CEO of the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN) by the end of 2023. Sue has led INN since 2015, and has overseen a period of tremendous growth. There were 117 nonprofit newsroom members listed in the INN's 2015 annual report. This year, INN has 425 member newsrooms. She has also been a driving force in the NewsMatch program, a collaborative fund-raising project that has helped raise more than $270 million for emerging newsrooms since its launch in 2016. Before joining INN, Cross was a journalist and executive at the Associated Press. Cross says we are in a golden age of news innovation, and hopes to continue to lend her support. She also says she hopes to spend time on personal projects.
Ellen has a Quick Take on the launch of the Houston Landing, a nonprofit digital site serving greater Houston. Dan provides an update on efforts to extract money out of Google and Facebook in order to pay for news.