2020 has been a sh*t show for most of us, hasn't it?
Before the pandemic hit and changed everything for us, I was constantly wrapped up in MAKING the details happen.
Worrying over how it would play out, when it would play out, and what exactly -step by step- it would look and feel like.
I had no idea I was actively doing this and how stressful it was- it totally bummed out the creative process.
But, after coming the realization that my plans for 2020 were now dust, I found myself missing elements of my old life- even RETAIL.
I'll never forget telling my husband "Ummmm....so I've been kinda thinking lately that I miss doing retail" and the look of complete shock on his face.
This year has been filled with massive, MASSIVE pivots and embracing things that I said I would never do.
The weird thing?
Those things I said I would never do have brought me so much joy and ease.
When I stopped planning and started living, when I stopped saying why something wouldn't work and started thinking of why it would, when I stopped thinking "How will people like this?" and started just creating things that made my heart happy...... things launched in a completely different way.
If you've been struggling with micromanaging the details and stressing over the how/ when.... I hope this episode sparks a little something in you!