Hey gurl.
If you're tired of feeling like good things are constantly happening to everyone BUT you, this episode is for you!
For years I was wrapped up in what I call Toxic Sadness... and endless cycle of constant complaining, constant disappointment, constant annoyance.
Then, one day I got sick of it all.
Sick of feeling like life was happening TO me and that I had zero control over it all.
Sick of feeling like good things were happening to everyone but me.
Here, we dive into the cycle of constantly comparing ourselves, feeling badly, picking apart other people in order to feel better, then feeling bad all over again.
But, more importantly, ways to help BREAK the cycle and start thinking, feeling and doing things that LIGHT US THE F UP instead.
If that's your jam come check out UNLEASHEDlife! An online monthly membership geared towards dog moms who want to live more in the moment, more loving, forgiving and FUN just like their fur kids.