In an extroverted world, can an introvert not only compete, but excel in business?
Or are they doomed to be "shy, socially awkward and people repellent" forever?
In today's episode I examine the common myths associated with being an introvert and uncover the secret super powers that lurk just beneath that still surface.
As an introvert myself (an INFJ on Myers-Briggs) and almost 20 years of entrepreneurship under my belt, I can safely say that YES, not only can you make it as an introvert business owner, but you can thrive if you push yourself to not let introversion be an excuse.
Yes, even in an extrovert loving world.
Also, how many fellow introverts are missing out on opportunities to grow themselves and their business because they are better at taking in information via reading vs speaking 1:1?
Is that you?
Do you better understand the people and things around you by either writing or listening what you want to say or understand?
If you're nodding your head....Let me know I'm not alone! Maybe you'll be featured on the next episode (don't won't be interviewed I promise!"
And of course, come hang out in the very introvert-friendly space that is Soulful Boss Babes!