![Community Discussion: Do You Need An Instructional Design Degree? - podcast episode cover](https://podcdn.zencast.fm/download/Podcast%2Fartworks%2F1222%2Flarge%2F16a3e9e922b41fde13be3ae377b18e08d44fb136594e7f9819ff2ac75bab5516%2Forange-tldcast-podcast.png)
Episode description
Today our TLDCast discussion was focused on whether or not an instructional design degree is required to be successful in L&D. We had a nice split of guests: two of them had L&D related degrees and two didn’t — but had degrees outside of our industry. Also, we had one guest that doesn’t have a degree and is currently working on getting his undergrad.
The guests were: Bethany Paterson – has non-L&D Degree Alan Natachu – has non-L&D Degree Alex Godinez – currently enrolled in a degree program, no previous degree Cara North – L&D Degree Chris Stadler – L&D Degree
So Why the Conundrum? Instructional Design has been around for some 75 years, but many still wonder what instructional designers — who are only now just gaining acceptance in higher ed and corporate training — do.
Is it the changing landscape of the role that lends itself to this idea that it’s easy to circumvent a related degree? Is the nature of this career going to completely shift so that it’s a combination of fields, versus one that is specifically L&D?
Listen to this episode to learn more!
You can find more detailed information, direct links to the episode, and more here in this blog post: https://tldc.us/2019/04/06/community-discussion-do-you-need-an-instructional-design-degree/