Rachit Khator is the founder and CEO of Stackby, a no-code spreadsheet and database app builder that allows business users to create powerful spreadsheet-like applications with data links, automations, and workflows. Rachit and his team of 34 employees live in Surat, India, north of Mumbai.
Stackby started when Rachit was working for a corporate venture firm in Michigan, doing repetitive manual data imports and analysis in Excel. He hired a developer to build a better tool and started to sell Stackby to early customers. They followed customer feedback to build an inexpensive and easy-to-use app that competes well with VC-funded competitors like AirTable for specific use cases.
This bootstrapped company has grown in 4 years to serve 75,000 free and paid business customers. Now they are profitable and growing at 15% per month, upselling free business users to paid plans. Rachit has big ambitions for Stackby to serve millions of customers–and be an example success story in the Surat software community.
Links Podcast Sponsor – Full ScaleThis podcast is sponsored by Full Scale, one of the fastest-growing software development companies in any region. Full Scale vets, employs, and supports over 300 professional developers, designers, and testers in the Philippines who can augment and extend your core dev team. Learn more at fullscale.io.
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