Raj Bhaskar is a successful two-time practical software founder with one exit. In 2000, he started his first software company, VisualHOMES, to provide a comprehensive financial management software to public housing agencies. With no outside funding, the business grew to serve 65 regional providers serving 2 million residents before Yardi Systems acquired the company in 2010.
After he left Yardi two years later, Raj and his brother launched Hurdlr to reach the wider small business market with a simpler accounting and tax management software than Quickbooks. They started selling their online accounting software to small businesses, but eventually they returned to their original vision to build embedded (white label) accounting that works inside other software.
Hurdlr has grown steadily and has served over 1.3 million small businesses in its 13-year history. Raj invested his own money for many years and a little outside investment. The company is now “lifetime profitable” and growing quickly with 25 employees. Raj loves his work and has no intention of selling the business anytime soon.
Quote from Raj Bhaskar, cofounder and CEO of Hurdlr
“I ran my previous software business for 10 years before I sold it. And Hurdlr is now over 10 years old. These days, I’m talking about the next 10 years and the next 10 years after that. The next decade and two decades from now, because it’s relevant and because I think we’re just getting started.
“I’ve seen inflection points in markets, and our market is finally ready. That’s the part we didn’t have any control over. So, in my view, there is no finish line. This is the starting line where we now have all these assets and need to let more people know we exist.
“It’s crazy to say after 10 years that this is just the beginning. So I could say probably 20 years from now, looking backward, OK, these are the phases, but I’m in new territory and I know this will be a sustainable and growing business for a long time.”
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