In this lesson, we’re going to explore 15 phrasal verbs commonly used in everyday English. These phrasal verbs will help you improve your conversational skills and understand native speakers better.
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🗨️ Catch on means to understand something, especially after some time. “She didn’t catch on at first, but now she understands perfectly.” “It took me a few lessons to catch on to the new software.”
🗨️ Run out of means to use up all of something so that there’s none left. “We’ve run out of milk.” “I ran out of time to finish the report before the deadline.”
🗨️ Look after means to take care of someone or something. “She looks after her younger siblings every afternoon.” “Who’s going to look after the plants while we’re on vacation?”
🗨️ Turn on means to activate a device or machine. “Turn on the oven and preheat it before cooking.” “Let’s turn on the projector to start the presentation.”
🗨️ Turn off is the opposite of turn on. “Please turn off the lights before you leave.” “Turn off your phone in the library.”
🗨️ Pick up means to collect someone or something. “I’ll pick you up at 7:00.” “Can you pick up the kids after school?”
🗨️ Drop off means to leave someone or something at a specific location. “She dropped off her son at school before going to work.” “I’ll drop you off at the bus station.”
🗨️ Put on means to wear or apply something. “Put on your jacket; it’s cold outside.” “He put on some music to create a relaxing atmosphere.”
🗨️ Take off means to remove something or for a plane to depart. “Take off your shoes before entering the house.” “The plane took off on time.”
🗨️ Give up means to stop trying or to quit. “She gave up smoking after 10 years.” “Don’t give up just because it’s difficult.”
🗨️ Make up has two meanings: to reconcile after a disagreement or to invent something. “They made up after their argument.” “He made up a funny excuse for being late.”
🗨️ Call off means to cancel something. “They called off the meeting because of bad weather.” “The concert was called off due to rain.”
🗨️ Carry on means to continue doing something. “She carried on working despite the noise.” “After the interruption, we carried on as usual.”
🗨️ Cut down on means to reduce the amount of something. “I’m trying to cut down on sugar.” “We’re cutting down on expenses this month.”
🗨️ Run into means to meet someone by chance or encounter something unexpectedly. “I ran into an old friend at the mall.” “I ran into technical issues during the meeting.”
Take these phrasal verbs and practice using them in sentences. Check the description for more resources and examples. If you enjoyed this lesson, share it with a friend, and I’ll see you in the next one!