No matter how long you've been gardening, it's almost guaranteed that you've faced some type of epic failure with your garden. While it's easy to get down on yourself when you have a bad gardening season, I'm here to give you some encouragement to continue pushing forward. In today's episode, I'm joined by my right-hand woman Cris Daining. Cris and I have been working together for years, and she's the first person I always turn to with my garden questions. Together we discuss why it's important to not turn a garden failure into a personal problem, why great gardening takes time, how a garden journal helps you grow (literally and figuratively), and so much more. Cris and I are here to reassure you that it's OK to cry over a lost garden, but it's not OK to accept failure. Listen to today's episode to learn how to turn that tragedy into triumph!
Concerned about preserving your garden bounty with the on-going canning lid shortage this year? I found the perfect solution!
Harvest Guard canning lids are not only 100% reusable, they are a fraction of the price regular lids are selling for online at the moment. They are BPA-free, earth-friendly (since you don’t have to toss them in the trash after one use), and work GREAT!
Check out their selection of regular and wide mouth lids at and use code HOMESTEAD for 10% off your entire order— and shipping is always free.
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