It’s no secret. The vast majority of the world considers us homesteaders to be a bit of an odd bunch. If we’re being honest with ourselves, what we do on a daily basis is certainly abnormal in modern society. Even my non-homesteading friends have a major misconception when it comes to why we actually do what we do. I must admit, it certainly would be much easier to go to the store and buy a gallon of milk than it is to own your own milk cow. It would also be much easier to grab a cheap loaf of bread than make fresh sourdough from scratch. If we’ve learned anything over the years, easier is not always better and it’s a concept that some people will never understand. Tune in today to see why shoveling manure is cathartic, why dirt under my nails is a badge of honor, and why the best time to mow the lawn is when you’re mad.
>> A BIG shout-out to our podcast sponsor this month— Lehman’s Hardware!
They are your one-stop homesteading shop for EVERYTHING you need for an old-fashioned lifestyle. Use code JILLMAY for 10% all baking supplies!
Don't forget to head on over to Lehman's and use the code JILLMAY for 10% off on their entire stock of baking supplies.
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