Many people think that the Jewish "feasts", or holy days, are specific only to the Jews. And although it's true that God specifically commanded the Israelites to observe them, they are actually relevant for all of his children... including those of us grafted in by Christ.
In today's episode, we're going to talk about the significance of the Feast of Tabernacles and how God has always wanted to live amongst His people. From His descent into the tabernacle with the Israelites in the wilderness, to the time when He returns to tabernacle among us again. It's possible that even Christ, himself, was born in the very midst of this special feast. This episode will bless you!
Video: Feast of Trumpets by Mark Biltz
Video: Sukkot by Jim Staley
Article: Sukkahs for humans? That's so 5780. This year, Jewish pets observe the chag.
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