The border between England and Wales is something that some don’t really notice. Whether you’re crossing the Severn Bridge in the South as you see the dark grey of rain clouds loom. Or crisscrossing back and forth, dancing between lands in the North. Travelling between these two countries is something that is done easily and without much thought.
For others, the border is a matter of heart, identity, heritage and pride. Look closely and you will see flat fields turn to mounds and mountains. Listen carefully, and you will hear accents adapt and language become a love affair. Dig deep and you find historic wounds and a heavy weariness.
Whilst there are no border gates or passport controls, there are many historic evidences of a meaningful border. From the natural difference in geography, to the line of Europe’s most heavily populated castle cluster. There are remnants of a boarder everywhere.
During the summer, in a series of 4 programmes, the team at All Things Considered explored this most intriguing border line: Offa’s Dyke. In this programme we will journey through the Dyke once more as we revisit some of the highlights.