If you’re on the search for a robust, lightning-fast solution in your programming language, listen up. The roundtable sits down with Máximo Mussini, a software developer who’s passionate about integrating Ruby and Vte.js together to create something that’s both razor-sharp and freakishly easy to use. The lads discuss how powerful http2 is becoming, the easiest way to slash loading times and be more strategic with your page building, and why you NEED Vite.js’s incredible integration tools to stop playing around and get your pages up and soaring. “This set of new tools brings an on-demand mentality, which has a lot of benefits.”
Máximo Mussini
In This Episode:
How http2 is changing the game with Javascript
How Vite.js and Ruby are slashing reload times and keeping programmers in their flow
Why you need Vite’s incredible integration capabilities to include any packages or files you can imagine
The #1 benefit of Vite.js that’s changing how programmers are able to code, integrate packages, and get their applications up and running
Roundtable Picks! Máximo’s: GitHub - ElMassimo/jumpstart-vite: ⚡️ Jumpstart a new Rails app with Vite.js + Turbo + Stimulus, and more https://chat.vitejs.dev/ 1 John’s Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous - https://wrath.owlcatgames.com/ Pick: StimulusJS - https://stimulus.hotwired.dev/ Valentino’s ES modules: A cartoon deep-dive – ES modules: A cartoon deep-dive - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog Women on Rails Newsletter – https://womenonrails.substack.com/ Rails 7 adds in_order_of to queries – Rails 7 adds ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#in_order_of to return query results in a particular sequence | Saeloun Blog Monads explained with cats – https://twitter.com/TartanLlama/status/1460608706048106501 Luke’s BCS and Chartered Engineer status https://www.bcs.org/ Rage clicks - what do they tell you about user behavior? - Understand your customers | MiSpecial Guest: Máximo Mussini .