Celena De Luna is a Folk Herbalist, artist, & self care enthusiast. She is a graduate from Gaia School of Healing & Earth Education & has experience in womb healing, trauma recovery, metaphysical anatomy and much more.
Celena has a beautiful softness that she carries to the conversation as she reminds us that the more we slow down, the more the Universe & Nature will speak to us. She discusses the transition from living off of the Western idea of health and medication to using herbs and her inner voice. Celena provides us with more ways to use herbs than tea & the spiritual and emotional properties connected to the plants we use.
We also jump into the topic of Yoni Steaming- the benefits emotionally, spiritually, and physically. This discussion leads to us claiming our right to proudly be women with powerful bodies that we should feel no shame for. Join the conversation with us, slow down & let the words truly be heard/felt.
Celena's instagram: ofthemoonmedicine