Summer Huntington is the founder of Steel Mace Vinyasa and movement studio- Flow Shala. She embraces this conversation with contagious enthusiasm & passion for the work she does. We discuss the basics of what Steel Mace Vinyasa is & how it is different from your typical asana flow. She teaches us some evolutionary/historic background of Asana which we can carry into our own practices. One of my favorite topics was exploring the Chakra flows she creates for her students at Flow Shala. By going through one Chakra a week, she creates the bridge between physical and emotional well-being. Summer gives us some insight on starting a Yoga studio from a business perspective & shares her experiences with being the host of various Yoga retreats. From Yoga business to history, from proper Warrior poses to retreats, you won't want to miss the versatile discussion with such a beautiful soul.
Summer's instagram: Summerhuntington & Flowshala