Jason Phillips has been active in the fitness industry for decades. From a former cover model and professional athlete to a sought-after fitness and nutrition coach, Jason is currently the CEO and founder of the Nutritional Coaching Institute and Business Coaching Institute. He has written for several publications including Men’s Fitness and his own book, Macros Explained: Your Ultimate Guide to Macronutrient Prescription for Health, Performance, and Aesthetics and his newest book; Macros Applied: Bridging the Gap from Science to Application.
Jason is a popular and prolific podcast guest featured in over 50 podcasts such as Renegade Radio with Jay Ferruggia, Ever Forward Radio with Chase Chewning, Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth, and Barbell Shrugged to name a few.
After starting in the most humble of beginnings - overdrawn in his bank account Jason has now built multiple 7 figure companies and has grown NCI/BCI from $0 to $15m+ annually in under 5 years.
In this episode, Jason and Brad go on to discuss the real magic of a nutrition coach and why most people do not take the leap when they want to change their life.
00:00 Intro
03:55 The minute you start dieting…
04:02 Bomb: “Put on the earth to survive, not to just be as attractive as Brad Lea.”
08:12 Do the work
10:10 Anorexia
13:40 Low hormone
17:50 Lifestyle maintenance
19:52 People with body issues: Listen up!
21:35 Bomb: Worth it
26:55 99% of people don’t follow the plan…
30:00 “Real Job”
35:00 Immediate ROI
36:00 Golf
41:27 Bomb: The way you should be thinking about it
45:22 The Hormozi’s
49:40 Three levels in the coaching space
57:05 Utility on Money
58:05 Deal for the #Bombsquad send Jason a DM and use the word BOMBSQUAD @jasonphillipsisnutrition