We’re bacccckkkkk. Did you miss us? We missed you.
0:40 It’s been 14 months
1:02 Bichael brings joy
1:32 We’re kinda funny
2:40 three words: laughter, danny, devito
3:35 live, laugh, love
4:21 we have caught everyone up
4:49 fiance update
6:25 podcasts in COVID were people reading Reddit posts
8:00 AITA for serving two different types of cakes
10:32 Florida = pineapples
11:24 even Monterey Jack
15:14 it’s discrimination to serve two different kinds of cakes
17:42 AITA for sharing a funny story with a new hire
18:15 “Poopy McPoopersteinburg”
22:13 Your coworkers are not fun
24:10 AITA for hating LaCroix?
24:25 It tastes like sunscreen
25:14 AITA for saying a naturally essenced water is not plain water
27:40 Look in the mirror at each other
28:19 AITA for not having catering
28:58 We’re big disney fans
29:54 “Food available at the venue”
32:10 Private dinner with Mickey and Minnie is worse
34:30 Lilo and Stitch are coming to Katherine’s wedding
36:05 blurry picture of stitch
38:15 AITA for refusing to say my roommate’s name?
40:08 AITA for pretending to not recognise my friend whenever I see her?
43:00 AITA for gaslighting all my listeners?
43:18 My bicycle and I run a podcast
48:05 James asks a question: JAAQ
48:22 What would happen if you just let all the pets in the world free?
50:05 “I need to go to the sewer”
53:40 Going back to the rats