Was the Protestant Reformation a repudiation of the church's history? Was it a rejection of Medieval theology? Did the Reformation lead to schism in the church? Kevin talks to Matthew Barrett, professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, about these questions and many more in this episode of LBE. Listen in for some big picture analysis on church history as well as some deep nerdery on Reformation theology.
Timestamps:0:00 Introduction
1:47 The Reformation as Renewal
17:17 Jonathan Leeman’s New Book
18:00 Let’s Go Back to Aquinas
40:30 True or False?: The Reformation Divided the Church
48:20 Desiring God’s Light & Truth Podcast
48:50 Unsung Reformers
53:48 Books
1:05:37 Until Next Time
Books:The Reformation as Renewal
Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism