Recently, Peter Williams, Principal at Tyndale House in Cambridge, preached at Christ Covenant Church for its missions week. At the end of the evening service, Kevin sat down with Peter and fellow Cambridge-alum Will Ross, who teaches Old Testament at RTS Charlotte, for a discussion about the importance of Tyndale House and its mission to foster faithful, biblical scholarship for the church. The group also talked about apologetics, the Septuagint, being confident in the word of God, and not being so smart that you believe stupid things.
0:00 Sponsors
2:32 The Surprising Genius of Jesus
6:27 On Tyndale House
14:42 Christianity in the Cultures
17:42 Sponsor Break
19:45 On the Old Testament
29:15 On Confidence in God’s Word
31:55 On Biblical Scholarship
37:24 Until Next Time…
Books & Everything
Understanding God's Word: An Introduction to Interpreting the Bible
The Supremacy of God in Preaching
WTS | Biblical Language Certificates
The Surprising Genius of Jesus: What the Gospels Reveal about the Greatest Teacher