Timothy Keller, the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, is the special guest for this conversation. Along with Collin, Justin, and Kevin, Tim Keller discusses the Reformed movement itself, The Gospel Coalition, and what comes next in Evangelicalism. Along the way you’ll hear advice for evangelizing, warnings about Christian celebrity, and of course book recommendations for pastors and leaders.
Life and Books and Everything is sponsored by Crossway, publisher of the ShortStudies in Systematic Theology Series, edited by Graham A. Cole and Oren R. Martin.
The Short Studies in Systematic Theology Series is designed to equip the church to faithfully understand, love, teach, and apply what God has revealed in Scripture about a variety of theological topics. The series gives valuable advice on applying spiritual gifts in the preaching and evangelism ministry.
Promoting, Celebrating, & Articulating Systematic Theology [0:00 – 1:30]
Tim Keller Fighting Sin Not Cancer [1:30 – 17:03]
Top Book Recommendations for Forming Pastors and Leaders [17:03 – 21:37]
Tim Keller’s Other Spiritual Gifts [21:37 – 27:13]
British Evangelicalism [27:13 – 34:20]
Reading at a Rural Church; Eating in a Big City [34:20 – 39:41]
Reformed Resurgence: The Young, Restless, & Reformed Movement [39:41 – 51:06]
Evangelical Celebrities [51:06 – 54:33]
How to Define Evangelicalism: Models vs. Institutions [54:33 – 1:00:34]
More About the Pastor Celebrity Experience [1:00:34 – 1:10:20]
Post-Movement Evangelistic Strategies [1:10:20 – 1:12:25]
Encouragement [1:12:25 – 1:15:20]
Books and Everything:
Dynamics of Spiritual Life, by Richard F. Lovelace
Evangelism Through the Local Church, by Michael Green
Evangelism in the Early Church, by Michael Green
Between Faith and Criticism, by Mark Noll
Reformed Resurgence: The New Calvinist Movement and the Battle Over American Evangelicalism, by Brad Vermurlen