Welcome to our podcast 'Mass Media Hysteria', where Court, Andris and Chris review movies and tv shows, discuss movie trailers and the latest entertainment news. On this week's NSFW episode (we swear a lot!) we discuss the following topics:
- Mike Flanagan's 'Midnight Mass'
- The entirety of Hollywood could go on strike at any point
- 'Dr. Who' news - SPOILERS Review of 'Godzilla: Singular Point' Episode 1: "Terzetto"
- SPOILERS Review of 'Intrusion' on Netflix
Thanks very much for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast, please hit that thumbs up, and share if you really enjoyed it. Most importantly, what did you think of 'Intrusion'? Where do you stand on the IATSE argument? Hit the comments below and let's get a conversation going. Be sure to subscribe to this channel, and ring that bell for more movie reviews, trailer reactions, entertainment news, and other fun stuff. Cheers!