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Show Notes:
Two things happen when you launch a Google Ads campaign – either you get too much traffic or not enough traffic. In this episode, we're giving actionable steps that you can take whether you’re getting too much or too little that will help you tease out what’s causing the issue and fix your campaign. We also discuss search news about new site link design testing.
(5:06) Google Ads With Larger Sitelinks Block Design Also
(8:59) Too much traffic is typically caused by either a keyword quality issue, an auction issue (location and time), or a position and CPC issue (bidding too much)
(11:20) Are one or more keywords literally driving all your traffic?
Break them out into their own campaign to cap them (if automated), lower bids on them (if manual), or pause them if they’re no good.
(14:39) Are your search terms garbage?
What keywords are bad search terms coming from? Are you running broad or loose phrase? Or did you miss the mark on your targeting and you’re not in the right spot in the funnel?
(20:44) Are you running on too many auctions?
Too big with your location and time settings? Feel free to get choosier – better location, better times
(21:17) Bidding too much? Budget being spent way too fast?
Check absolute top percent and top percent and see if you can lower bids and still spend your full budget (but get more clicks overall).
(26:16) - Not enough auctions?
Are your location and time settings reasonable?
(28:47) Are you bidding too low?
Check absolute top percent, top percent, and impression share lost due to ad rank.
(31:00) Are your keywords too tight?
Check search volume for your area in the keyword planner. Are you only using exact match? Are your keywords super long-tail (4 or more words)?
(36:52) Final tips
For both problems, experiment with one change for a day or two and see if it helps. Sometimes it will take multiple days to solve. Plan on this being your first 30-45 days.
Remember, you can run multiple campaigns playing around with these changes and options and see if any of the campaigns perform better.
Ramp-up is real. Maybe it’s not low volume and it’s just ramp up or watch out maybe you’ll be in ramp-up for a week then all of the sudden you’ll start getting a ton of bad traffic and too much traffic will be your issue.
Search News:
Google Ads With Larger Sitelinks Block Design Also - https://www.seroundtable.com/google-larger-sitelinks-block-design-on-google-ads-32189.html
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