Time is the raw material of our days. On the one hand it is precise and predictable. The clock chimes hours into equal measures. But on the other hand it is pliable and easily warped. We write the syllabi, we schedule assignments, we set grading schemes. If we are careless, time can unravel and spin out of control.
In online education we have intentionally loosened some of the time threads. We empower faculty and learners with greater control over their schedules. But there is a wrinkle in online learning that anytime, anywhere easily slips into all-the-time, everywhere. As educators, we need to manage our time commitments and create effective experiences for learners. This is even more important in the covid pandemic, when work and life schedules for many of us became fully unstrung.
Kieran and Dan have been discussing the importance of efficient use of time and energy in online education. If we are Teaching in a Time Warp, how can we be sure to optimize our own time and effort -- and improve the efficiency and efficacy of activities for learners? This is a question we will return to periodically on Wired Ivy, starting with this episode's guests, professors Sarah Heath and Beau Shine of Indiana University Kokomo.