Episode description
Christopher (@stoneymonster) and Elecia (@logicalelegance) inflict lightning round on each other, talk about their new favorite toys, and get momentarily serious about performance reviews.
Elecia is looking for a datasheet for the SunPlus SPHE8104GW. Not the 8200. This is not something Google-able. It probably requires knowing the right person, but if you do (or if you are the right person), please help.
Tickle is the IOS app to program the Sphero BB-8 (and many other robots) in the kids programming language Scratch
Automatic: BLE car monitoring
The Cheerson CX-10 is the base model quadcopter Elecia and Chris have been playing with. They flew a CX-10C with its 0.3MP video camera off a cliff at beach (but it didn't record the video).
Elecia's self-evaluation for 2014 year is on her blog
Python library for mashing binaries into other forms is IntelHex
Elecia couldn't find the .map file scripts she was thinking of though one on stackoverflow was pretty close