Hello! Long time no see! How are you? Welcome to a brand new season of Anna with 2Ns podcast.
Whether you are a new or regular listener I'm really looking forward to getting back into our weekly routine. And, we've got work to do.
How it works - Each episode will address a different topic related to business English and I will give you my expert tips, guidance and advice as well as practical things you can actually use when you are in your job.
We are going to kick off this new season working on areas which are fundamental in business interactions. The first one will be, how do you greet someone for the first time? How can you do it in a way that is professional?
It may seem easy but often the simplest things can be the hardest. I often hear people struggling with this. Get my thoughts on the best thing to say, an example of how I would greet someone and mistakes to be careful of.
And if that wasn't enough, just before the end I give you a word, structure or phrase that hardly anybody uses but everybody should.
I hope it's useful and enjoy!
Want a summary of the advanced vocabulary from the episodes every week?
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