If your school uses CEM assessment data generated from assessments such as MidYIS, Yellis or ALIS, then this podcast is for you – and your colleagues!
In this edition of the EBE podcast, Jamie Scott chats with our CEM Training Manager, Matt McGinlay, about the effective use of data from the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM). Matt explains how different stakeholders in secondary schools, including governors, senior leaders, middle leaders and teachers can follow a three-part process when considering the feedback provided.
Matt discusses his experiences from visiting schools around the world and shares examples of how to use baseline data for diagnosing pupil strengths and areas for development, goal setting data to consider potential outcomes for students, as well as value-added data to evaluate student progress and what seems to be working well.
We have worked with over 400 schools around the world to maximise the use of CEM assessment data. The key challenge all schools face is ensuring that the data are accessed and used by as many staff as possible. That is why we created an accessible online training course on the effective use of CEM assessment data that can be accessed by all staff.
You can try a free sample of the online course here and find out more about our packages of support here.