Yvanna Cancela represents Nevada’s 10th district in the State Senate, and is the first latina to ever serve in the chamber. Today she joins us to share all the ways you can *still* get involved and make a difference this election. With the election coming SO SOON it’s important to get clarity on the process and the ways that you can donate your time (or money) to help the causes you care about.
As the first ever latina to serve in the State Senate, Yvanna is wildly aware of the gender and racial representation problems our country faces and strives to elevate diverse voices in politics, because that truly is the only way the country will progress toward equality. We discuss how to get involved in battleground states, voting strategies, researching candidates, which races she is watching closely, and why she backs Joe Biden for President.
About Bad on Politics: Bad on Politics is a monthly bonus episode where we invite a guest expert to help us break down a political topic. We get it, politics is confusing and there's a anxiety-inducing amount of news coverage to follow. So, we're here to ask the "dumb" questions so you don't have to. We want to break things down so you can understand what's going on and make an informed opinion.
For more info:
To learn more about getting involved in Nevada: NVdems.com/events
To learn more about each state’s phone/text bank initiatives: joebiden.com
Please Vote!: iwillvote.com
Yvanna on Twitter: @yvannacancela