It’s time for a listener Q&A! We’ve gathered questions from you via voicemail, emails, and Instagram, answering a variety of questions spanning from how to start a virtual book club to our favorite summer jams!
Our Summer Jams
Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift
Master Blaster by Stevie Wonder
Becca: The Other Two
Olivia: Black Mirror
What we read this week!
Olivia: Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano
Becca: Book Lovers by Emily Henry
This Month’s Book Club Pick - Same Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan (have thoughts about this book you want to share? Call in at 843-405-3157 or email us a voice memo at
ZocDoc - Go to and download the Zocdoc app for FREE!
BetterHelp - Visit today to get 10% off your first month.
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