Episode description
Jen Dary is the founder of Plucky, an organization that works with companies and individuals to create healthy dynamics at work. She is a leadership coach and speaker; she travels across the US teaching workshops, including her popular course, So Now You’re a Manager, which trains new managers across the country for the complex work of herding humans. Jen lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and two young sons.
On today's episode we discuss one of the tricky challenges of being a first time manager - managing your former peers and friends. We also discuss Plucky Cards? What are those? Stay tuned to find out!
Contact Links:
https://www.beplucky.com https://www.beplucky.com/manager https://www.beplucky.com/shop twitter: @jenniferdary, @beplucky IG: @bepluckster Writing: >https://medium.com/@jenniferdary Show Notes: lluminature: Discover 180 Animals with your Magic Three Color Lens Plucky Cards Brene Brown Ted Talk: The Power of Vulnerability Spaceman: An Astronaut's Unlikely Journey to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe Podcast: How I Built This