Kimmy Leslie is a marketer at Stream. Stream power chat messaging and activity feeds for billions of global end-users across thousands of different apps.
What we cover
(00:42): What does community mean to Stream?
(01:37): What are good events like in the developer space?
(02:31): How did you find having a blank canvas of events that you could run and sponsors that you could find?
(03:30): Do you have any advice for anyone at a startup where they aren’t doing any events or sponsorship?
(05:20): Do you think sponsors and events play into the product in terms of how it develops, as well as all the relationships that you are building with different communities?
(07:38): What do you do when you have a successful sponsor, what happens next?
(08:25) Would you recommend for someone just getting started to allocate their budget between different events and sponsors?
Where to hear from Kimmy