If you've spent any time driving around Greenville County then you know we have lots of roads and bridges to maintain. You can thank Hesha Gamble for the great condition they are in. Hesha is the Assistant County Administrator for Engineering and Public Works. Hesha is a fantastic public servant and is active in non-profits and philanthropy in Greenville County. She's involved in her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, and has recently left the board of the Piedmont Health Foundation. Join us and learn more about roads, bridges, and all of the infrastructure in Greenville County! You may notice that our speakers’ voices are somewhat muffled. They are both wearing masks because this episode was recorded at a time of high community spread of Covid.
Hesha's Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heshag/
Greenville County GIS: https://www.gcgis.org/
Produced by The Greenville Podcast Company.